An archive of a few of my 3D Modeling and photogrammetry projects I have previously worked on.
Softwares Used : Rhino, Maya, Agisoft, Kinect Scanning
Goblet of a Goddess
Shanghai’s pride, the Feiyue
3D Modeling and Photogrammetry
An archive of a few of my 3D Modeling and photogrammetry projects I have previously worked on.
Softwares Used : Rhino, Maya, Agisoft, Kinect Scanning
@Nicoco - Goblet of Faceless Gods - 3D model by rewant24 (@rewant24)
Goblet of a Goddess
face count ~100000 texture size 4092 - Feiyue Shoes - 3D model by rewant24 (@rewant24)
Shanghai’s pride, the Feiyue